Monday, February 7, 2011

Played today

I played a few games today lost the first game and won the next two. Some friends had stopped into the Carolina Ale House for lunch and had time for a few games before returning to work. Winning is good.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Pool = Fun

Pool can be a lot of fun. It is a great feeling when you have made a difficult shot. Even more when your opponent does not believe it can happen. Yesterday could not get on a table as there was a Que to play at the Durham Ale House and I could not wait had other appointments to keep.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Pool I wish I had played

Happy New Year!  I was traveling during the holidays and wanted to play while I was in Aruba but with all my commitments I never made it to the pool hall. Next Time I will schedule a day just for the game. I need to get one of the islands residents to show me around. I did discuss pool on Christmas day at the family we visit for goat soap and drinks but they had several deaths in their family and were dealing with those feelings. Billiards has to come in second to that the way I see it. Well I am going to go out this week and get a game in somewhere local and post about it. I am still unemployed so the job search is still on and money is tight now.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Played Pool

Good day played pool at the Ale House and confirmed it costs $1.00 per game. I only played three games but won all three. This was on Wednesday $2.50 all drafts at Ale House.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Carolina Ale House Durham

I have played  pool at the ale house here in Durham as well. They have 2 quarter pool tables. Four quarters to play I think. I will confirm that soonest. I have put a link to their web page so you can check the daily beer specials. To check the specials click the link under the photo of the ale house for lunch or dinner specials.

Remick Billiards Welcomes you to my new blog.

I am very new to blogging but I am not new to playing pool. It is a pass time I enjoy and sometimes hate.  I can now supply you with the tools to play as well at I hope to hear from you all soon.